BJJ / Grappling Tips: Rickson Gracie Advice that was echoed by a fantastic highschool principal.

Mr M* strikes again with advice that echoed one given by none less than Rickson Gracie.

The headmaster I'm working with in my mathematics teacher training is amazing. I quoted him once in a previous article and last week during the staff meeting he said something that rang a bell with me and I'm sure it will resonate with you too. In fact, he reminded me of something Rickson called his "blessing and curse".

Mr M said: 

"You're all feeling tired and I know that. I feel tired too."

Monday morning. a few people smiled and nodded.

"But what I want to share with you is my suggestion as to why you are tired."

People started listening.

"Because you don't get tired when you mark your pupils' workbooks with a "tick" and a "good job!"
You don't get tired when you never chase attendance and unifrom rules and homework.
You don't get tired when you don't try to include everyone in your class in the discussion and take responsibility for their learning.

You don't get tired when you simply try to coast thru the days, weeks, months and years.
You get tired when you raise your standards. You get tired when "good enough" is no longer good enough"

That's exactly when master Rickson said when we chatted to him privately in Amsterdam:

"My blessing and curse is that I've never accepted "good enough". I know it's ok for others, but it was never OK for me"

So if you are feeling tired, congratulations and well done.

*Mr M is a very passionate highschool head teacher who turned this school's performance from an 8% pass rate to 50% in under 2 years.



Liam "The Part Time Grappler" Wandi

Proudly sponsored by Predator Fightwear: Built for the kill and Brutal TShirt: Made By Grapplers For Fighters


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much. I am always on the lookout for words of wisdom from Professor Rickson. Looking forward to any more advice or techniques you have learned from him! Thanks!!

Liam H Wandi said...

Thanks :) He's an amazing man.