BJJ DVD Review: Peruvian Dozen 2.0 by James Clingerman

What a great DVD! I was very pleased with the Leg Drag DVD that my friend Mr Tim Sledd sent me to review and soon after I published that review, I came in contact with the man behind that production company The Fight Hub: Mario Roberto Black Belt Mr James Clingerman. We got talking and I really liked his work ethics and he liked the thorough job I did on Tim's DVD so he sent me three volumes to review for the Part Time Grappler readers. Since then, university happened and I've had to do the work, if you can call it that, piecemeal by piecemeal. Here is my review of the first one:

The Peruvian Dozen 2.0

James builds this DVD in segments:

1. The Peruvian Necktie as a finishing attack and how it sits with other finishes.
2. The Peruvian Necktie as a defined positional strategy and your position and submission options from there.
3. The Peruvian Necktie as a quick, transitional position and where you can go from there.

The Peruvian Dozen 2.0 is a great production and well worth the humble price ($39). More importantly, James is one of the good guys with a lot of great jiujitsu to teach so support him and his community. Why do I know this? Because he's been gracious enough a LOT of material on YouTube:

You can get the Peruvian Dozen from here.

Here's a taster of what you expect to learn (not actual DVD footage):

Peruvian Necktie:
James takes the time to explain the grips (and variations thereof), angles, leg pressure and placements (and variations thereof), arm pressure and finish from 4-5 camera angles. One thing I really appreciate is that he realises that his partner's body is usually in the way of the details (grips, legs…etc.) so he also shows the details in a solo format.

Anaconda to Necktie & Brabo to Necktie:
This is brilliant! Ever tried to choke a bigger stronger opponent with the anaconda / brabo simply for them to He-man through your grip? James shows the switch to from these chokes over to the Peruvian Necktie with great smoothness.

Necktie to Anaconda: & Necktie to Brabo:
Ever tried to perform the Peruvian Necktie on a quick wiry opponent who rolls over you as soon as jump thru and before you cover their back with your second leg? James how to follow ride their momentum and slap on a super tight (they tighten it for you!) Anaconda / Brabo choke.

You can get the Peruvian Dozen from here.

Necktie to Armbar & Necktie to Rear Triangle:
This a very tight transition. While the opponent is trying to ride the PN pressure, you underhook his arm and flip him for either a standard armbar or a rear triangle. You can tell James is an experienced coach as he often reminds you of common mistakes and pitfalls you may find yourself in.

Necktie to Triangle:
What if? What if? If there is one thing jiujitsu geeks love asking it's "What if he does this? What if he does that?". In this segment, James goes thru what to do if the opponent spins before you catch the arm or the rear triangle.

Necktie to Armbar 2:
This armbar flows from the moment your opponent pops their head up. Very sneaky!

Necktie to Back Take: This transition follows the same principles of taking the back off a failed spinning armbar from mount. Anticipate, move your hips, anchor on the far armpit and take the back like a boss!

You can get the Peruvian Dozen from here.

In this segment, James treats the Peruvian Necktie as a pitstop position with several options:

Armdrag: Well, you do have a head and arm control so the arm is there to be dragged. James shows a beautiful expression of leverage in how he gets the arm across.

Side Choke: This is a very very safe choke. It's a perfect expression of the PPP principle (Posture, Pressure, Possibilities) that Cane Pevrost uses to explain solid fundamental jiujitsu:  you create a frame / posture, you apply pressures and you uncover the possibilities the position has. Why is it safe? Because the choke is simply a consequence of where you are and what you can do so if it doesn't work for what ever reason, you're still at a great spot.

Guillotine 1: This is one of my favourite version of the guillotine. I learned it from Saulo Ribiero's second set (JiuJitsu Freestyle Revolution - NoGi). If you're a beginner to guillotines, this is a great place to start.

Guillotine 2: This technique will either choke your opponent or it will kill them! Jokes aside, my neck started hurting just from watching this variation of the guillotine. One thing for sure, if your opponents love playing the sit-up guard, this version of the guillotine will make them think twice about it!

Back Take: This back take option is a natural progression of the first guillotine variation. Again, the position is explored for all it's worth. I believe this is the same technique that Eddie Bravo calls the 100% sweep, because when you go for it, it works 100%

60% of the time, it works all overtime!

Twister: Speaking of Mr Bravo! I really wished James or his partner wore some kind of leg clothing (gi pants, spats…etc) rather than grappling shorts, as I found it really hard to distinguish which leg was where!

Duck Under to Chin Strap: This is some crazy ass ninja shizzle! It's a NoGi neck crank variation on the loop choke you can get from head to head (another Saulo Ribiero gem).

Duck Under to Von Flue: Do Not Attempt if You're a Beginner! For details on the Von Flue choke, check out my future review of Mastering the Von Flue by Mr Clingerman!

Crucifix: Another Clingerman face. The positional principles are very simple: You can attack the neck, you can attack the near side arm or you can attack the far side arm for a nice crucifix. Again, this is a very dangerous technique that traps your opponent tight and proper so they will inevitably struggle to tap with their hands to a an already tight crank so either do it very carefully of let their head pop out and settle in side control.

You can get the Peruvian Dozen from here.

Judo Triangle: Take your opponent on a ride. Your feet are kind of in the right place for this super tight lock / turnover / choke so go for it.

Cross-Face Turn Over: This is a fundamental wrestling manoeuvre based on leverage and angles. It is very important that you understand the ins and outs of this technique for a deeper appreciation of guard passing, side control maintenance and general turn overs from the turtle. James gives us a nice bonus finish which he calls the "wrap". I was taught it as the Barb Wire choke.

Cross-Face Finish: While you are manipulating the opponent's chin / face for a cross face, James shows you how to adjust it for an old school neck crank finish.

Knee Tap: Again, read what I wrote above under the Cross-Face Turn Over. The bonus finish from this turnover is the NoGi paper cutter choke.

Quarter Nelson: Finally, James shows how to use the wrestling quarter nelson grip to force the opponent to shoulder roll and give you the side control. Understanding what and why and how you do this will give you many tools you can use to maintain a very light yet inescapable side control.

You want this DVD, especially if you like the NoGi game or curious about it. This is a Nogi DVD. Obviously you can perform most of the techniques* in the gi too, but the friction and meatiness of the gi can sometimes get in the way.

I thank James and his team for sending me this product to review.

*Some choke / cranks are not allowed in gi competitions.



Liam "The Part Time Grappler" Wandi

Proudly sponsored by Predator Fightwear: Built for the kill and Brutal TShirt: Made By Grapplers For Fighters

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