InsideBJJ Interview: Nate Mendelsohn, Leticia Ribeiro and Yours Truly Feature on the InsideBJJ Podcast

This is fantastic stuff. The InsideBJJ Podcast team were kind enough to invite me onto their show to talk a little about how and why I started this blog and who Part Time Grapplers really are. I'm a massive fan of their show and we chatted about a number of coincidences that have happened to me since the day I started in jiujitsu, which inspired a few posts I'll be sharing with you soon.

In the meantime, here's a link to the podcast. I can't believe I featured on the same show as 2 amazing black belts: Nate Mendelsohn, Leticia Ribeiro.

The InsideBJJ Podcast: Number 91.

Once you've listened to it, please feel free to go ahead and support their show. Subscribe to it (Standard or Premium!) and give it a review on iTunes. They also sell a shedload of coal jiujitsu related stuff (DVDs, Books...etc.) and accept donations, or you can just simply click thru on their Amazon link which takes you to Amazon and if you buy anything there, it supports them thru a small commission.



Liam "The Part Time Grappler" Wandi

Proudly sponsored by Predator Fightwear: Built for the kill and Brutal TShirt: Made By Grapplers For Fighters


Unknown said...

Väldigt trevlig överraskning att höra dig i podden. Hade ingen aning om din blogg eller att du var svensk. Började i vintras så jag upptäcker fortfarande mycket BJJ-godbitar här och var. Skall bli spännande att läsa din blogg framöver och lycka till med BadBoy-samarbetet!

Liam H Wandi said...

Tack Johan. Var tranar du nagonstans mannen?