Grappling / MMA Product Review: LUTA Fightwear Training Top

LUTA Fightwear is an amazing company that creates fantastic products for all combat sport enthusiasts. They are a for-profit company, but they are unique in that they share their profits with the charity "Fight For Peace"

When Fergus Dullaghan - whom The Part Time Grappler interviewed in two parts here and here - sent me this training top to review, I couldn't resist to make this silly video for it. I am not sponsored by them, but I love their products and the concept they put behind it and think Fergus is a really sound fella. Please visit the fantastically detailed reviews that my good friend Meerkatsu did off the items on his awesome blog for more real information presented in a professional format. Seymour is the man. For silliness, please watch this highly un-informative video :)

I thank my brother Mr Sam Wandi for his excellent acting skillz and support in any crazy endeavour I brew in my weird head.

Liam "The Part Time Grappler" Wandi

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Ruu said...

I particularly liked the stifled giggles coming from behind the camera


Liam H Wandi said...

Haha thank you Ruu. Practically everything was improvised by my brother you see, so it was all new to me and I just couldn't resist but to laugh!

I would love it if you could tweet and Like this so we spread the good word about LUTA and Fight For Peace :)

Meerkatsu said...

Laughed my Lutcha nuts off

Liam H Wandi said...

Haha thanks Meerkatsu! Your reviews were so detailed I really didn't have anything to add :)