Gi vs NoGi: Karo Parisyan's Armenian Necktie submission

Karo Parisyan's Armenian Necktie submission is currently making the rounds on social media and with good reason. It's a great surprise of a submission. 

I'd like to take this as an opportunity to champion training in the gi, even if you're strictly a submission grappler or MMA enthusiast. 

Training Jiujitsu in the gi has many benefits that translate to the nogi sumission wrestling / MMA game but in this post I'd like to highlight one: increased creativity. 

Grappling in the gi provides the practitioners with several handles to hold, control and manipulate Your opponent. These include grips on their sleeve, lapel, jacket skirt, armpit, pants, belt in addition to using your own gi (e.g. Using your sleeve for the Ezekiel choke). In fact, you're only limited by the rules and your own imagination. 

When grappling without the gi, these exact grips are no longer available to you and what I'm purposing here is that it is up to you to decide whether not having these grips available to you is a disadvantage or an opportunity to surprise your opponent with your creativity. 

Experimenting with different nogi grips and combinations is a great way to come up with new ideas to catch your opponent with. 

However, taking your favourite gi-dependant submissions and adapting them to the nogi game is a fantastic shortcut to nogi submission wizardry. 

The reason I mention all this is because I learned the gi version of the Armenian Necktie already as a white belt from Saulo Ribeiro's fantastic set: Jiujitsu Revolution. I couldn't find a clip of him teaching it but here's a great one by Great Grappling:

In fact, I have a whole list of gi- dependant techniques which I have adapted to the nogi game and I encourage you to do the same. Who knows? Your next innovation could be the one that changes the face of jiujitsu.



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