BJJ / Judo Interview: Jimmy Pedro - World Champion and 4-time Olympian

"World Champion Jimmy Pedro is one of the most decorated judo players in American history. Jimmy is world renowned for his judo expertise, coaching ability, and training methods. A newaza (ground techniques) specialist, Jimmy currently owns and operates Pedro’s Judo Center in Wakefield, MA and teaches clinics and seminars throughout the country."

So starts Jimmy Pedro's bio on his blog, but there is so much more to the man. Jimmy is my contact with the prestigious martial arts company Fuji Sports and he was kind enough to take the time to answer my questions. Read and learn.

Hello Jimmy. How is life treating you?
Very well thank you. Can't complain.

Are you currently training / teaching Martial Arts? Is that Full time / Part time?
I am currently the Head National Coach for USA Judo.
I was 2012 US Olympic Judo Team Coach and will be 2016 US Olympic Team Coach as well.
I also run Pedro’s Judo Center in Wakefield, MA which is a USA Judo National Training Center

Which arts do you study / teach and under whom?
I love all martial arts, but my art is Judo. Under my dad. Jim Pedro. I also studied Wrestling. I wrestled Division 1 at Brown University and was captain of the university team (1993 and 1994).

How long have you done that?
Since I was 5 years old.

How do you manage to fit your own training around work and family time?
I am now retired from competition; but, I still work out a few times a week in judo. I teach Monday – Thursday nights at my dojo. I also run or lift 2 – 3 times per week.

Give us a quick run down of your major titles in judo: 
4 Time Olympian
2 Time Olympic Medalist (1996, 2004)
World Champion (1999)
US Olympic team Coach (2012 & 2016)
See my full bio:

What is the greatest thrill you have gotten out of practicing your sport?
Becoming World Champion in 1999 and winning 2 Olympic Medals.

Give us your top 5 tips for time-management (to fit exercise around life)
-        Make it a priority.
-        Get it out of the way first thing in the morning so no matter what happens in your day, you got your training in.
-        Don’t skip workouts…if you get in the habit of skipping, you will be more likely to skip them and skip more frequently
-        Change up your workouts so you do not get stale (run, lift, train in judo/bjj, etc…)
-        NO excuses.

Now let’s balance that with what you consider the top 5 time-thieves.
-        Work
-        Spouse
-        Kids
-        Training Other People
-        Excuses

Do you have any regrets?
-        No. I pursued becoming Olympic Champion for 20 years, and left everything I had on the mat.

 Why do you train and teach? What drives you?
-        To be the best in the world.  And, to coach the best in the world.

What is your involvement with FujiSports. How long have you done that for?
I am VP of Sales & Marketing, and a partner in the business.  I have been an athlete representative for 14 years.  I have been a consultant for the past 4 years, and have been a partner for just over 1 year.

What has been the highlight of this company's history?
-        Supporting and helping athletes from the beginning like Jimmy Pedro, Ronda Rousey, and Kayla Harrison who end up making it to the TOP OF THE WORLD.

If someone is in two minds about purchasing a Fuji Gi, what would you advise them?
-        No doubt to give FUJI a try.  I guarantee you will LOVE the fit and comfort of our gis.  They are also built to last and worth every penny.

Summarise the brand in 5 words.
Quality, Comfortable, Fit, Innovation, Affordable

 Once again, I think Jimmy for taking the time to do this interview. Find out more at and FujiSport.



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