BJJ Interview: The Part Time Grappler Interviews BJJ Black Belt Mr Felipe Costa

I was talking to my good friend Mr Eddie Kone the other day about training, improvements and the subject of fast tracking progress came up. I'm very excited about the BJJ app for iPhone and android phones he is releasing soon but Eddie had something much more exciting to tell me about. BJJ CAMP!

Eddie took his gang over to Brazil 2 years or so ago where they took part in Felipe Costa's BJJ CAMP. 10 days of BJJ in the birth country of Arte Suave. Felipe is one of the leaders of BJJ team BRASA and multiple world, PanAm and Brazil champion medalist (not to mention a great instructor and humanitarian). Eddie suggested I contact Felipe for and interview and here we go.

The Part Time Grappler Interviews BJJ Black Belt Mr Felipe Costa

Why don’t we start by you telling us a little about yourself?
My name is Felipe Costa, Im 33 and from Rio de Janeiro

How long have you practiced Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?
I started in 1991, so 20 years now

Do you follow any special diet? Do you use any dietary supplements?
No specific diet, I try to eat healthy and stay away from sugar, my biggest temptation hahah

How do you manage to fit your training around work, travel and family time?
It's not easy, but I manage to train with my students and try to learn as much as possible from them. My family supports me 100% and without that it would not be possible

Do you compete still in your sport? Please share some of your achievements in the sport?
I still compete and have been keeping myself on top 3 in the world since I got my black belt. Take a look at my page to see all my titles:

What is the greatest thrill you have gotten out of practicing your sport?
I can’t imagine myself without having this sport to practice. Most my friends are from BJJ and it gives me great pleasure

Give us your top 5 tips for time-management (to fit exercise around life)
I can give you one: Desire
If you want to stay healthy you will find time…everything else is excuses

Now let’s balance that with what you consider the top 5 time-thieves.

How did you come to know Royler Gracie Black Belt Mr Eddie Kone?
Eddie came with a group of students to one of our BJJ camp, it was great to meet him and his student and we are looking forward to see him again in September, this will be the best camp we ever did.

Tell us about your BJJ Camp?
This year’s camp we will make in Europe, it’s the first time after over 10 editions and we are getting full fast, all the info can be found at It will be in September 10, lasting 10 days with top quality in Greece. This is the best investment anyone can do to improve in Jiu Jitsu and have fun

Finally, why do you train? What drives you?
What drives me is the desire to become better technically, meet new people and grow as a person!

Official site:



I thank both Felipe and Eddie for this opportunity.

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