BJJ Seminar: Frank Mir is Coming to The Labs @ Fighting Fit Manchester

Guard your ankles everyone, Frank Mir is coming to Manchester!

Hot off the press, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt and all-round menacing MMA fighter, UFC heavyweight champion Mr Frank Mir will be holding a seminar at Fighting Fit Manchester. The seminar will be at the end of July 2011.

For more information keep an eye on The Labs @ Fighting Fit Manchester on Facebook or Click here to add The Part Time Grappler to your Favourites / Bookmarks

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  1. *former* UFC champion surely

  2. Haha when you see him, G, you tell him that hahahaha.

    I, however, like my face :D

  3. That's pretty sweet. Wish I could come. Hope you guys have an awesome time! I expect videos!! ;)

  4. No! We shall reveal NOTHING!! :)

    Sorry I'm just giddy :) The geeky thing is, all I can think about is that he fought Tank Abbot, which means if I shake hands with him, I would be two hand shakes away from the cast of FRIENDS!

  5. Akbar21.3.11

    Hi, is this seminar for anyone or just for the members? also how much previous grappling experience would u say is suggested. I ask this as a planned on starting training (at the labs no doubt) when i move to manchester this summer (for uni), thus meaning i havent had any previous experience (apart from self teaching)to date, even though ive been a big MMA fan for so many years.

    PS. I have also been following the PTG for the last 6 or so months.

  6. The Labs on Facebook

    Fighting Fit Manchester on Facebook

    Hi Akbar. Many thanks for the kind words and for following the blog.

    All I've heard is that the seminar is open to all levels. It's deffo gonna be open to all affiliation. I suggest you click on the link above and add yourself as a "fan" off the Labs and Fighting fit on Facebook to stay in touch.

    Don't forget to email me or contact any of us on Facebook when you move to Manchester and we'll be looking forward to seeing you on the mat buddy.

  7. Akbar22.3.11

    Thanks will do mate :)
