BJJ Attitude: What Attracts You to BJJ / Grappling?

The current course I'm studying with the Open University is called Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities so my senses are primed for all things business-, marketing- or promotion-related.

As it so happens, I laid my eyes on a leaflet to a newly started sports club near where I live specialising in a traditional martial art and I couldn't help but dissect it to shreds with my…ehm… new found wisdom.

That's when an idea struck me: how would I design a leaflet to promote Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? A good advert should be customer-focused rather than product-central so what benefits of BJJ / Grappling would I include?

Fun: BJJ is fun! I’m yet to find something that puts me in such a great mood as training, reading about or chatting (incl. blogging) about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Great work-out: Not only does it work all your energy systems, it also introduces you to the wonderful world of fitness in a very healthy and gentle way

Suitable for practically all ages as it preserves youth and longevity.

It's a sportive outlet with several opportunities to compete and measure your skillz.

Focuses on using technical skills to overcome brute strength.

It promotes a healthy attitude both on and off the BJJ mat.

It has a great community behind it, both locally and internationally.

If you have in interest in MMA then you would be crazy to think you can survive the modern competitive arena without a solid BJJ game.

How about you? If you were to design a leaflet for the BJJ academy / gym / school where you train, what would you write in it?

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  1. I would say something about how it is the best form of self defense for women against larger, stronger me. But that's just because of all the bar fights I get into. lol

  2. Oh yeah?! Unleash the McClish! Grrr!

  3. Hmmm-- the only thing that comes to my sad little mind is:

    "BJJ-- it puts the 'bad' in badass!"

    But Liam, you needn't publish this. :)

  4. I've been thinking about this a lot. Rver since I started, the MBA brain's been running, trying to figure out how the art could be marketed and presented without diluting it.

    Something needs to be done to differentiate the levels of expertise (maybe a curriculum breakdown by difficulty level), since the ideas of belts and ranking have been so diluted by McDojo culture. "But BJJ black belts are the real thing!!" only goes so far to the uneducated public.

    I'd definitely sell the health, defense, and social aspects right off the bat and would likely push it as a lifestyle changer and not just another martial art.

    Some documented (before and after pics/video) testimony would be helpful too, especially to illustrate the accessibility of the art. That's what tipped the scale for me to walk in the door. The social aspect got me to stay and the health keeps me pushing.

  5. Hahah Georgette in your dreams! Of course it's getting published.

    Did you know that Georgette Oden can be anagrammed to "Ego Not Greeted"?

    signing off
    Windi Lama

  6. @Megan isn't it great how BJJ influences life but also how life creeps into BJJ too?

    As for the belts...I'm not sure what exactly you mean. Those who know know, and those who don't know don't care. At least not in my experience. People who've done some research know that a purple has a wealth to teach beginners and those who know nothing about jiu jitsu are not too fussed about the belt colour. they just want a good environment.

    In my eyes, that's the key to selling the art: It's a great environment. It's good for your health and soul. I looked at many karate clubs before joining Kanzenkai back home in Gothenburg and what attracted me to it was how much the students enjoyed training.

    I went to watch the first class and there were two people with colds and sniffles watching with me. They told me they were already members but weren't training that day coz of the illness but wanted to come anyway coz they missed their friends and sensei. I knew right there and then that I wanted to be part of that and that's they attitude we have at the Labs.

    I think Environment kinda lazily covers social, health and Lifestyle change. I’m sure you agree that the customer needs to take what she wants out of BJJ and no more no less. If she wants Lifestyle change then it’s there but if not then she doesn’t need to. Unlike e.g. karate where you HAVE TO learn terminology and culture …etc. very little is enforced within jiu jitsu. Most new habits are organic and similar to our day-to-day (hand shakes, greetings, cleanliness, mutual respect…etc.)

    Before and after pictures..What a genius idea!!! I’m implementing that immediately! I already toyed with that when I got Caleb to do a BJJ vs Smoking habits poll but pictures speak…well, you know.

    Your last sentence / half paragraph is pure MBA gold: There is indeed a difference between what gets us thru the door, what makes us stay and what makes us push on thru. Successful gyms acknowledge that and allow the player to develop and grow organically. Gyms that try to fit square pegs into round holes don’t. Not in the long run.

  7. I was looking at the belts from the perspective of someone who's not going to do their research...if that's the kind of person a gym would like to attract...I believe there are some fundamental differences between BJJ and traditional Asian martial arts that go way beyond technique, and I have yet to see any gym/instructor really highlight those beyond the MMA angle. You touched on it with the relative informality of the art.

    I think there's a lot of potential to maintain the quality of the sport while drawing more participants if the focus on the individual can be emphasized more.

  8. I totally agree Megan. The true, honest focus on the individual is what makes jiu jitsu unique.

    "Don't copy me, understand what I'm doing and why then allow your body to express that."
