BJJ Interveiws: The Part Time Grappler Interviews the Winners of the Crazy Ass BJJ Gi Design Competition Part 2 of 4

This is one of the best pieces of BJJ / Grappling / Time Management interviews I’ve ever had the privilege to do! The tips these guys give for free are worth gold!

The Part Time Grappler Interviews Mr Evan Mannweiler, Mr Aaron Shiels and Mr Francisco Arias, winners of the Crazy Ass BJJ Gi Design Competition, Part 2

What is the greatest thrill you have gotten out of practicing your sport?

EM: I've really enjoyed the teaching aspect. I fell into teaching in college because our club reached a point where I was the most experienced guy there. Poor guys were kind of stuck with me. I was fortunate to have had a number of guys preceding me who were really excellent instructors- good communicators, good leaders, incredibly knowledgeable and charismatic. I learned a lot about how to teach from those guys. My teaching led to a lot of really satisfying moments. Times when you see guys hit a move they were struggling with, times when you see guys pushing harder than they thought they could. Probably the most satisfying was having a student tell me how he used what he learned in class to save his own life when he got mugged by a guy with gun in a back alley. That one put things in perspective for me.

AS: Well there’s a few; new found fitness (I smoked for 8 years, but have now stopped), making new friends every time I get on the matt, and being able to compete and test my will against another people on the mat

FA: Winning tournaments and training with great grapplers, be they teammates or world class professionals (e.g., trained with Shinya Aoki and Rumina Sato in Japan in 2005 as a brown belt)

Give us your top 5 tips for time-management (to fit exercise around life)

1. Fitness needs to be a habit.
2. You can always sleep after other things are done.
3. Find something to do that you genuinely enjoy doing. You won't do it if you don't.
4. Be present- Focusing and really working when you can workout will maximize the benefits of your time. That is especially important if you can't workout as often as you'd like.
5. Take the stairs.

AS: Just 1 tip, sorry, but if you love you the sport/exercise/art you do enough, you should have no bother finding time to practice it within your daily routine

(1) Front Load Your Training: I try and get as much training in as I can early in the week, just in case things come up later on and I’m faced with missing training.
(2) Always Show Up: For years, I worked very late and had to get to jitz almost an hour after they started training. But, I still always went and got a lot out of my training. Basically, there should be no excuse for not showing up (even if you only roll for 20 minutes).
(3) Create Opportunities: A few years ago, due to family stuff, my summer evenings were not free for training. So, I started an open mat training weekday mornings (8 AM) with a buddy. We still do it 2 - 3 days a week (in addition to evening/weekend training).
(4) Stay Late When You Can: If you are busy, your training needs to be super opportunistic. Never miss an opportunity to train extra time. When class is done and you are just rolling, stay as late as you can.
(5) When On The Mat, Train 100%: I see folks net getting the most out of a class sometimes – especially in free training/rolling. That is your time to experiment and learn by doing. Give the maximum.

Now let’s balance that with what you consider the top 5 time-thieves.

1. Facebook.
2. Cable TV.
3. Girlfriends. I still love her (hopefully she loves me still) but girls take a lot of time. Not saying they're not worth it!
4. The Underground Forums.
5. My own poor planning.

1. XBox 360 (this has got to be a typical 18-25 year old's answer!! ha ha)
2. Drawing/Art work/Design
3. My 3 year old son and his addiction to pro-wrestling DVD's
4. My addiction to pro-wrestling full stop ha ha!!
5. Friends

(1) Traffic.
(2) Jobs/Work
(3) Mental Weakness/Laziness/Poor Planning
(4) Squirrels
(5) Socializing

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