Rolling with ATT Black Belt Mr Italo Ferreira

Discussing sweeps with Mr Italo Ferreira, BJJ black belt (American Top Team)

4 of us at the BJJ LABS attended Italo's seminar at Sheffield Martial Arts Centre this Sunday. Italo (Here sporting a fine Tatami Fightwear Zero Gi) is a master of his trade and, above all, a fine gentleman. I highly recommend his seminars (and classes thru-out the UK) to anyone interested in improving his BJJ / Grappling skills.

I hope you've all sent in your contributions to the Crazy-Ass BJJ Gi Design Challenge and are in the process of sending in a few more. Remember, there is no limit to how many you can send and the winner gets their design realised by Tatami Fightwear.

The blog for this Crazy-Ass Challenge has had over 700 visits in the short span of a couple of weeks and we've already had over 100 great designs. What are you waiting for?

Click here to see how to enter this amazing Crazy-Ass Competition and get your Designs Realised by Tatami Fightwear.

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  1. I admit I haven't done a design... everyone else's looks so professional and perfect. I don't know how to use Photoshop or Illustrator and I am kind of overwhelmed... my crayon scribblings will never hack it! But that's awesome there's so many entries!

  2. Dowload the pre-set pattern, go crayon mad on it and take a photo, upload it and send to the comp.

    If the raw talent is there, you can still win, and we both know you have it!!!

    If your raw design wins, you and TATAMI can discuss the finer details verbally anywho.

    Do It!

  3. First I didn't get it, then I read it out loud.

    Yeay TT

    hahahahaha That's the sweetest BJJ-related play-on-words I've ever seen :o)

  4. Glad you enjoyed the seminar Liam :)

    It was great to see you and the other BJJ Labs folk there, hopefully see you all again at the next one!

  5. Ru Kidding?! The pleasure was all mine and you guys really rock!

    I really look forward to it.
