Interview with Royler Gracie Black Belt Eddie Kone Part 3

As you all know, on Friday the 28th of May I interviewed Mr Eddie Kone, Royler Gracie Black Belt at his EKBJJ Headquarters in Tottenham for the blog. What came out of that was a 20+ minute chat about, amongst other things, Gracie Jiu Jitsu, honour and some of Eddie's own tips to all the Part Time Grapplers out there. Here's the final part (of three) of that interview, where Eddie talks about (amongst other things):

Why he wants to see BJJ in schools
The philosophy of Gracie Jiu Jitsu
Hobbies and Supplementay activities
What made Helio Gracie so good?
The value of self-defence in GJJ
The value of tapping
What he felt like walking into Gracie Humaita the first time

I hope you enjoy it.

Part Three:

For those of you who missed parts One & Two, Where Eddie talked about being in the zone, the gift and legacy of Jiu Jitsu and putting your own signature on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you can find it here:

Part One:

Part Two:

Mr Kone was nothing but a perfect gentleman and I really look forward to train with him and his team really soon. For those of you lucky enough to live near his academy: Go to the Ultimate Fitness Centre and learn from the man himself.

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